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Christy Ressler

Project Manager

2018 Core Value Award Winner


Client Supported:


Doing What’s Right Core Value

Always striving to do what’s right for our clients, other employees and our community. Respecting the ‘business’ side of Creatis along with respecting each person. Acting with high integrity, and taking pride in being the best business partner possible.

Why Christy?

Christy is the kind of professional who doesn’t, to make a sports analogy, “take a play off.” She exemplifies ethics in the workplace through every project – big or small, and she’s proven this time and time again at Optum as a Project Manager. We know we can place Christy on any assignment with any client and she’ll fit in with the team, ramp up quickly, and exceed expectations. She sweats the small stuff, because it matters. And that’s the kind of integrity that makes her stand out. Her supervisors are genuinely impressed and appreciative of the kind of focus, innovation, and solution-oriented work style she brings to her role every single day.

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Find us:

Creatis, Inc. Headquarters
227 Colfax Ave. N.
Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Tel: 612-333-3233

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