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Kelly Brown

Content Creator

2021 Core Value Award Winner


Creatis Employee Since: 

August 2020

Clients Supported:


Shared Journey Core Value:

Paying it forward is the lifecycle of Creatis. Be strategic but make genuine connections. Know you’re engaged in something bigger than yourself. Our network is more than just clients and employees – we are a community of partners.

Why Kelly?

Kelly was one of the first Creatis employees to work on assignment at Target, and his design expertise and attitude helped kick-off our partnership better than we could have hoped. Kelly has such a positive outlook when it comes to his work at Target — he goes above and beyond for the team. Whether it’s suggesting a Project Management tool that assists with workflow, or partnering with team members to create new initiatives on platforms like YouTube, Kelly is quick to rise to the occasion. His skill set, consistency and strong relationship with the Creatis Staffing team all make Kelly the ideal ambassador for this year's Shared Value award. 

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Find us:

Creatis, Inc. Headquarters
227 Colfax Ave. N.
Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Tel: 612-333-3233

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