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Patty Nieman website

Patty Nieman

Copy Editor & PowerPoint Designer

2020 Core Value Award Winner


Creatis Employee Since: 

November 2010

Clients Supported:

Medtronic, Creatis Studio

Shared Journey Core Value:

Paying it forward is the lifecycle of Creatis. Be strategic but make genuine connections. Know you’re engaged in something bigger than yourself. Our network is more than just clients and employees – we are a community of partners.

Why Patty?

No one in Creatis history, it seems, has gotten more consistent kudos from our clients than Patty Nieman. Over nearly a decade of partnership with Creatis, Patty has been a bedrock for our Studio’s Proofreading Program and her expertise as a wordsmith is unquestionable. Her career with Creatis is a prototype for successful partnerships; a model of what Creatis strives for when it comes to employee tenure, flexibility, and growth. Patty knows what building something bigger than the individual is all about by providing unparalleled quality time and again, anticipating client needs and making lasting connections with people.

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Find us:

Creatis, Inc. Headquarters
227 Colfax Ave. N.
Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Tel: 612-333-3233

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