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Seth Conover

Marketing/Content Specialist

Write a short summary of your background/experience.

I have 5+ years of professional experience in marketing, communications, writing and project coordination. My degree in theater is the backbone of my creative and collaborative passions – and I utilize these skills every day.

Why do you love Creatis?

From the first moment I walked in the doors as a candidate, I knew I wanted to work here, and the more I’ve gotten to know it, the more I’m grateful I do! Creatis’ central values really do play a vital role in the day to day work and relationships across the company. It’s not just lip service. We care about each other—whether that’s candidates, employees in the field or the home office team—and we do what’s right with excellence.

Professionally speaking — what makes you special?

My Strengths Finder tells me I’m extremely adaptable and resourceful. These attributes are an asset to my career, because I’m able to meet people where they’re at and anticipate what they need—all with a very fluid communication style.

What are your hidden talents?

I’m a singer and songwriter. I’ve also dabbled in acting for the stage. And if the situation calls for it, I can really lay on the sarcasm.

If you had the skills, money or talent to do any job in the world you could — what would it be?

A musician and a fiction writer. Something with a healthy mix of working with people and working independently.

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Find us:

Creatis, Inc. Headquarters
227 Colfax Ave. N.
Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Tel: 612-333-3233

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