Ryan Van Haaften
Ryan Van Haaften
Sr. Project Manager
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- 612-843-2712
Ryan Van Haaften
Sr. Project Manager
Write a short summary of your background/experience.
I’ve worked on both the agency and corporate side of the creative services industry for far too many years to count. In that time, I’ve guided projects from high profile videos to short but detailed product data sheets. The common thread throughout has been a dedication to process and commitment to people that enables great work to happen.
Why do you love Creatis?
The solutions provided by Creatis are not cookie cutter, one size fits all, homogenized solutions. We work to address the specific needs our clients have and we do it by providing the human element to the equation whether that be staffing or studio solutions.
Professionally speaking — what makes you special?
I have the tenacity to bring a project to the finish line no matter the challenges, the humility to roll up my sleeves and sweep the floors when needed, the experience to navigate slippery slopes, and an infectious positive attitude.
What are your hidden talents?
I make a delicious spicy chocolate cookie and I sing in the largest chorus in Minnesota.
If you had the skills, money or talent to do any job in the world you could — what would it be?
Toss up between pro golfer (I’d need a lot more skill) and building sets for theatrical productions.