creatis - a 24seven company

Closing the Minnesota workforce gap - united means jobs for all

It is a privilege to be in the business of matching great people with great jobs as we support our clients across the Twin Cities.  Our success - and that of our clients - is dependent upon having a deep pool of well trained, diverse, experienced and AVAILABLE job seekers ready to join our teams.

And - as an employer in Minnesota - I have to say that I'm worried.

By 2024, it's projected that Minnesota will have 400,000 jobs that require skill and education beyond high school that will go unfilled. Today, in fact, Minnesota has a labor shortage for almost 100,000 jobs across all business sectors. And as more baby boomers retire and our overall population growth rate stagnates, this will only get worse. 

And it's not going to get better all by itself.  It will take all of us uniting together to improve the workforce system so that all individuals in our community can thrive.

Which is why I am pleased to announce that Creatis is joining forces with Greater Twin Cities United Way to promote their Jobs For All campaign. This campaign not only further educates us on the gaps in our workforce system and growing labor shortage, but also raises money for proven local job training programs.


As part of our Creatis Cares program, our way of giving back to our community and making a difference in the lives of those we serve, Creatis is proud to offer a $5,000 matching fund for the Jobs For All campaign. I encourage you to join us by giving generously and often which you can do using this link:  Jobs For All.

And the Creatis team is also pleased to give of our time and talents through active volunteering. We have a launched our 20for20 volunteering effort -  we are committing to do 20 hours of volunteering in honor of the Creatis 20th anniversary that we are celebrating this year.  And United Way makes volunteering easy! Just go to the Volunteer United section of their website at: Volunteer United.

We are also looking forward to participating in the upcoming The Future is Now - Preparing Minnesota's Workforce for a Thriving Tomorrow event taking place at the American Swedish Institute on March 22nd. Join me and other business professionals and community leaders as we explore workforce and economic trends that are critical to our collective long-term success.

live united

Live United. Give United. That was my mantra when I led the marketing team at GTCUW several years ago and it remains true today. Every day I see how meaningful it is for someone to have a job that leverages his/her skills and talents. It can be truly life-changing not only for that person but also for the entire family.

I also live by the belief that those to whom much is given, much is required. Each of us who has been blessed with some talent, success or wealth has an obligation to share this with others even if what we can give is small.

Because individually we can each do something, and UNITED we can change our workforce system and do AMAZING things to ensure that every employer - including Creatis - has qualified and available job seekers ready to join the team when we need them.

 Won't you join us?!

Creatis , Creatis20, CreatisCares

Find us:

Creatis, Inc. Headquarters
227 Colfax Ave. N.
Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Tel: 612-333-3233

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