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Antenna | Creatis Studio Case Study: Rebranding

Companies often turn to rebranding if they've experienced significant growth, new leadership, or through mergers and acquisitions. According to a recent study, 74% of all companies rebranded an acquired asset within the first seven years. Transitioning all brand assets to reflect the new brand standards can be time consuming. A major perk of working with an external agency for production needs is that you save valuable time and resources so you can focus on top priorities. How do you know it’s time to outsource your production needs?

Situation: New brand standards and in-house team’s workload was at capacity.


  • The Studio team executed brand updates to 53 existing templates and 42 coversheets in 6 weeks.
  • The Account Manager, Production Artist, and Project Coordinator successfully guided all templates through three waves of production and three rounds of review ensuring brand consistency across all design elements.
  • After The Studio team updated all templates, we were asked to assist an internal team with a staffing assignment to convert all files within 6 months.

Situation: New brand launch and in-house team did not have the bandwidth to execute the project along with their other production responsibilities.


  • Over 2 years, The Studio team updated and converted hundreds of documents across all internal departments.
  • The Studio team partnered with the client’s Marketing, Brand and Creative team to rebrand 162 documents in 3 months.
  • The Studio team also supported the client’s financial division through 2 major acquisitions by converting documents in 8 months.
  • The Account Manager, Project Manager, Designer, and Proofreader successfully updated and converted all files to the new brand template, ensuring brand consistency across all design elements.

Situation: PowerPoint template updates for new brand guidelines and in-house team’s workload left no time to focus on strategy and other top priorities.


  • The Studio team partnered with the client’s Medical Education team to convert over 2,000 slides in three months.
  • The Account Manager, Project Manager, PowerPoint Specialist/Designer, and Proofreader successfully guided all PowerPoint slides through two rounds of review ensuring brand consistency across all design elements.

The perks of utilizing an external design studio like Creatis Studio:

  • We’re flexible. We adapt to your workflow so you don’t pay for work you don’t need.
  • We integrate. We seamlessly integrate with your team to create day-to-day efficiencies.
  • We’re experts. We have a fully staffed team of creatives and marketers that specialize in design and execution-based work.
  • We help clear your desk. We take work off your plate so you can focus on strategy and other top priorities.
  • We know your brand. Our team is trained on your brand standards (when you become an existing client).

Invested in a rebrand and now you have a ton of assets to update? Contact our Studio at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information on our expert production services.

Find us:

Creatis, Inc. Headquarters
227 Colfax Ave. N.
Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Tel: 612-333-3233

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