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My two cents. Worth at least a nickel (I hope).

According to Wikipedia, “my two cents” is a United States idiomatic expression taken from the original English expression ‘to put in my two pennies worth’ or ‘my two-penn’orth’.  It is used to preface the tentative stating of one’s opinion, because by deprecating the opinion to follow (suggesting its value is only two cents), the user of the phrase hopes to lessen the impact of a possibly contentious statement, showing politeness and humility.


Thank goodness the LPGA didn’t call.

As you may have guessed – I am an avid golfer.  So much so that many of my colleagues have encouraged me over the years to go find a marketing job in the golf industry.  “You’d be perfect!” was a common thing I’d hear.  “You love marketing. You love golf. You fancy yourself above average in both. It’s a real no-brainer.”


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