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It's National Boy Scout Day - how prepared are you?

So today is National Boy Scout Day. How cool. Unfortunately, I was never a Boy Scout because in my day they didn't let girls join the troop. Which always bugged me because even back then girls could certainly hunt, camp and survive in the woods. Oh well, at least we had our cookies.

I am impressed that for more than 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America has helped develop future leaders by combining educational activities and values-based thinking with fun. They have impacted literally millions of lives. According to the source of all knowledge and truth - Wikipedia - there are about 2.4 million youth and 1 million adults participating in the Boy Scouts today and over 110 million Americans who have participated at some time. Now that's impressive.

And equally impressive is that they are now letting us girls join in the fun as well as transgender youth (took 'em long enough but at least they have finally jumped on the inclusion band wagon). Now kids from all walks of life can learn how to live a life based on values, develop skills needed to survive and thrive in tody's world, and experience doing 'good deeds' by giving back to the community.

And I've always been a big fan of the familiar Boy Scout cry of "Be Prepared" which is certainly one of the better-known mottos in the U.S. today. And, they even have a really nice hand gesture that you can use without triggering road rage (two-finger sign is used during cub scouting changing to the three-finger salute once you advance to the Boy Scout level - in case you were wondering).

Creatis Logo SALUT

And I think that's why I identify with the Boy Scouts as the 'troop leader' at Creatis, because we are also values-based, skills oriented and have a strong focus on being Of Service to our clients, employees and community. But, most importantly, we help creative and marketing leaders across the Twin Cities get more work done and help them always Be Prepared!

We help our clients easily and productively manage through peak times or unexpected absences through our on-site staffing resources and outsourced studio production services. For more than 20 years, Creatis has been helping business leaders survive and thrive in the often-times crazy world of marketing and creative services, by ensuring that our clients are prepared with:

  • A bench of flexible, nimble and highly skilled resources 
  • Creative ways to combine full-time staff with contracted resources to effectively manage the peaks and valleys of work flows
  • The ability to free up the capacity of internal teams so they can focus on big-picture strategy and not get bogged down with executional details

And just like the Boy Scouts, we have developed a team of Creatis employees who have excellent skills and are ready to serve. The Creatis troop is made up of highly skilled creative and marketing professionals who have earned their 'merit badges'. Creatis employees bring experience, trustworthiness and a readiness to serve that helps our clients get more high quality work done even faster.

Be Prepared. Let Creatis help. And to Boy Scouts everywere - we salute you!

Creatis , GetWorkDone, BePrepared

Find us:

Creatis, Inc. Headquarters
227 Colfax Ave. N.
Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Tel: 612-333-3233

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