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Upskilling Uphill? Here's Help

Marketers in 2021 must be learners. The pace of play in our industry is rapid and requires us to make time to learn new skills. But that learning journey can feel like pushing a giant rock uphill with no peak in sight. How do you keep up with emerging technologies, new hiring processes, and other trends in today's competitive hiring market? 

You have to start small. Let's unpack the "Sisyphus Myth" about Upskilling that can make it feel unapproachable. Upskilling is not about learning everything there is to know. Chances are that employers don't need you to be the next Da Vinci. And who's got the time for that outside of current responsibilities or the rigors of job searching? Upskilling is really about looking at your existing skills, knowledge, and career path to identify actionable ways to expand what you already bring to the table. Employers love to see contemporary skills that are directly relevant to the job you want.

Only once you've leveled up your current skill set should you start in on learning a brand new one. One example is that if you're a designer by trade and passion, do you really need to understand all the ins and outs of HR management (or vice versa)? Probably not. Focus first on what makes you a more robust professional right now. Look at job requirements for positions you want around the web: What kind of experience or skills do those jobs or employers require? Is there software you haven't learned that would make you stand out as a candidate? Start small! 

Upskilling is about channeling your current skills, knowledge set, and career to identify actionable ways to expand what you already bring to the table.

Examples of Free UpSkilling Resources: 

  • LinkedIn Learning (available with a library card through your local public library)
  • eLearning Courses on YouTube (great for designers)
  • Business and Marketing-Related Podcasts - Including the Creatis podcast In the Key of D

Our new parent company, 24 Seven, offers in-depth resources to help you push that upskilling boulder uphill. 24 Seven's Upskill Workshop is a library of live and recorded webinars focused on the latest trends, tech, and skills that marketers need to know in this evolving field. Industry experts lead presentations on Social Media Marketing, Virtual Interview Prep, Tips for Recent Grads, and so many more. We encourage you to utilize this resource to upskill this fall! 

Explore the 24 Seven Upskill Workshop. Click here.

We're hiring candidates virtually! Apply to start your career journey with Creatis: Work at Creatis.

Find us:

Creatis, Inc. Headquarters
227 Colfax Ave. N.
Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Tel: 612-333-3233

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